Looking for an alternative or more holistic way to heal yourself? Look no further babes, we have you covered ! We couldn’t be a blog all about Los Angeles, without uncovering and discussing alternative healing methods with you guys! A field that is so hugely a part of the Los Angeles culture, but that is unfortunately sometimes a taboo topic to discuss. But that’s why we’re here, to experience it ALL, and fill you guys in. Remember, there are MANY ways to explore your personal alternative healing process, and it’s definitely not a one size fits all type thing, but here is one that caught our eye and our hearts...

Right down S Robertson Blvd, we discovered a mini spiritual sanctuary amidst the busy LA streets called, Mostly Angels LA. Just through the doors of this powerful Spiritual Boutique lies a plethora of stones for healing, candles for burning, sage for cleansing, jewelry to empower; and, guided meditation classes for self renewal.Â

Our experience consisted of the Breathwork for the Creative Artist- a guided meditation and breath class. After lots of concentrated, deep, and specifically designed breathing, loud music, and opening of our souls, we both felt released and left feeling lighter. Yes, babes tears were shed, but in the best, most therapeutic way, plus, the music is loud, and you’re in a safe environment where each individual’s experience is openly accepted and encouraged !Â

Breathwork is a powerful, active meditation technique for self healing. During this meditation you learn to unblock patterns of resistance and fear, enhance self love and self worth, elevate confidence, declutter the mind to allow for clarity and creativity and increase resilience- ALL while connecting to the power WITHIN. The small meditation groups ensure individual attention and focus on your guided journey.

Some of us had healing rocks placed on different locations on our bodies to help our individualized healing journey while others were graced with essential oils. Each person’s experience is unique, and, it’s great for first-timers, new to exploring alternative healing methods! It’s an intimate setting where we immediately felt welcomed, like family, during our time at Mostly Angels LA. Tina, our spiritual guide for this meditation, opened her heart and healing ways to each one of us and we left feeling moved, renewed, and enlightened.

Mostly Angels LA you earn our 💋 smooch of approval. LoveLustTips: 1. Bring a yoga mat and blanket (if you forget, don’t worry babes they have a few extras) 2. Wear comfortable, breathable clothing 3. Stay away from any added caffeine or sugars before class so you can fully relax and settle into your journey 4. Arrive a bit early before the store closes to explore all of the merch amazingness that you can purchase if you choose to continue your practice at home 5. Have your schedule cleared for after the class. This powerful meditation can bring up uncovered and even undiscovered emotions, and you owe it to yourself to give your body and mind that time to further process and heal. 6. Bring a bestie with you for support ! 💓