Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing Moms out there, including my very own Mama- I love you soooo much!! Being a woman is an amazing gift. We are strong, beautiful and can carry the greatest gift ever- life, just to name a few.

We are also extremely at risk for bone loss, which is why today I want to talk about Osteoporosis and Bone Loss. Did you know osteoporosis actually means “porous bone”? If you look at healthy bones under a microscope, you’ll see that parts of them look like honeycombs. Although, if you have osteoporosis, the holes and spaces in the honeycombs are bigger than they are in healthy bones.

Did you know Caucasian women over the age of 50 have the greatest risk of developing Osteoporosis and that between the age of 20-80 we will lose one-third of the bone mineral density in our hips?! For many years, this was just believed to be part of the natural aging process with nothing that could be done for it, but as we are now learning, more and more can be done to build bone density.

Welcome OsteoStrong LA !! OsteoStrong LA is helping rebuild bone density in one of the most effective ways out there today, Musculoskeletal Strength Conditioning. Musculoskeletal Strength Conditioning can be used to help with Osteoporosis, for athletes, balance, type II diabetes & posture. So head over to OsteoStrongLA for a free first session by clicking HERE.

P.S. to all my last minute gift getters out there, it can also make a great Mother’s Day gift too!!

My journey with OsteoStrongLA started by meeting with my amazing coach, Jamal Hill @swimuphill !! We discussed my lifestyle, goals and all the different exercises we would be accomplishing today. Jamal and all the staff at OsteoStrong LA got to know me on a deeper level and I had one of the best days learning all about Musculoskeletal Strength Conditioning. Okay, now onto the exercises!!

I started my day by stretching on the vibration plate before I moved onto four different Musculoskeletal Strength Conditioning exercises, the upper growth trigger, lower growth trigger, core growth trigger & postural growth trigger. Each exercise I was using more than my body weight to trigger building bone density!! They were quick, simple, pain free and I actually felt them working!! After I relaxed with some PEMF or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, which reminds me of being rocked to sleep as a baby & was sooo comforting, then Joovv Red Light Therapy & finally the compression boots!!

Check out all the pictures and tune into my IGTV story for more details about my day at OsteoStrong LA. Hope to see you there Lovies!!

xx Heidiisms
Always believe in your #ISMS 💋